Holiday 2015- Santa Barbara Family Photography

Wow, the end of 2015 went out with a bang!  I would like to thank all my amazing clients for such an awesome year... I look forward to what 2016 has in-store!  Although the end of the year can get a bit hectic with holiday photo sessions, card designs, and an endless amount of editing, I am always reminded what dedicated and loyal clients I have.  I am thrilled to see so many faces year after year!  When all the beautiful holiday cards start to show up in my mailbox, I am reminded how lucky I am to have captured these sweet memories for so many families! With the holiday rush behind me, I can now finally share some of my favorite photo sessions of the season... Stay tuned for more!


Joy to the World, Santa Barbara Family Photographer

I’ve documented this family for the past 6 years, from their toddler photos to a recent over-the-top Halloween party and every time the process is unique and a true collaboration.

They wanted to do something different for their holiday card so between me and mom hunting down the perfect props, we loaded up a wagon for plenty of options, including live trees donned in cranberry garlands. These boys are always a lively delight and played right along to create a unique beachside story that shows there’s no lack of love in this ever gracious family.


VW Love, Santa Barbara Portrait Photographer

My gorgeous baby sister is graduating from middle school so we celebrated recently with a photo shoot at our barn. We did her hair and makeup in the breezy Santa Barbara way and stuck her in this vintage VW beauty parked in our driveway. (How it got there is a story for another day, but let’s just say it involves my German husband’s obsession with VW buses and their tendency to break down.)


Since making its appearance at the barn, I’ve done multiple shoots with it and every time it makes for a quintessentially cool California vibe. (Extra bonus that it doubles as babysitter and awesome hangout spot for my sons on a daily basis!) We have such fun with it, just like my little sis did. Look out high school, here she comes!

When Baby Number Two Comes Along, Santa Barbara Family Photographer

Bringing home Baby #2 is always such a different story for each family. The excitement, the exhaustion, the hormones, the toddler energy along with a newborn - it truly is an amazing whirlwind of emotions! From my own experience, the enormous shift that a second child brings into the family dynamic is major. This sweet brood is still taking it all in - learning how to become a family of four. Luckily for the new little one, life is definitely going to be more about "going with the flow."

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Look Who’s One! Children Lifestyle Photographer, Santa Barbara

It’s the first major milestone and such a fun time for mom, dad, grandparents and family. I love 1-year photo shoots for so many reasons - kids at this stage are bubbling with curiosity, usually happy and giggly, and their mostly toothless grins can melt even the most stoic heart.

This sweet girl was no exception. Although she was a little under the weather, you would have never known! She laughed, smiled, and crawled around this awesome vintage Ford truck that her Grandpa drove to the photo shoot. Between her sunny disposition, stunning blue eyes, and this amazing old truck we had the makings for a most amazing shoot!

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The Zen of a Newborn Portrait Session - Santa Barbara, CA

Being a successful newborn photographer isn’t all about technical prowess, though that helps. Truly it’s the energy you bring to the shoot. Especially with the newest of new, like this little nugget, who at just seven days old was a picture of sweetness.

Calm, caring, peaceful. There’s a meditative calmness to spending hours posing these sleeping babes and coaxing them gently, quietly to sleep when they rouse.


With her two sisters lending a helping hand, she settled right in and let me capture some adorable moments! I just love that she snuggled up with the family dog - not an easy combination to photograph and so gratifying when everyone’s in the flow and it works out.

Sister! Sister! Santa Barbara Maternity Photographer

Lucky is the littlest girl who will round out this family of five. As this family eagerly awaits Baby No. 3, these two darling girls couldn’t be more excited to be her big sisters! Her sweet mama could not be more beautiful, graceful and strong. And daddy, though technically outnumbered, loves them each like it’s going out of style.

Three sisters under one roof truly reveals the bonds of family. Each girl her own unique person, inextricably tied to each other. I’ve photographed this sweet family for the last four years and I just can’t wait to watch how they all grow together.


Bohemian Baby Rhapsody, Santa Barbara Newborn Photographer

Spring is such a delightful time of year. Filled with newborns left and right, I always love hearing all the birth stories of sweet new life entering the world as the wildflowers bloom here in Santa Barbara.

These dear friends are always fun to photograph. After waiting anxiously for 9 months, I was so excited to meet this little man and document this special time for them.

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This mama’s sense of style always adds so much to our sessions. Her home is gorgeously modern with a bohemian touch - so warm and welcoming with pops of color and orange accents. I love how effortlessly put together she always looks, with just the right mix of coastal California boho panache.

Children and Family Photography, Santa Barbara CA

What a beautiful photo shoot with one of my favorite families in Santa Barbara!  How darling are these three little children?  I really don't think they could be any cuter if they tried!  I just adore these images taken out at the Ellwood Butterfly Preserve in Goleta, CA.  I have had the pleasure of photographing this sweet family for a couple years now... I just love watching these siblings grow into the the funny little people they are.  The image above is one of my absolute favorite photos from this particular family photo shoot.  It was the mother's hope to capture her daughter's big bright-eyed smile for her 6 month photo.  We definitely got what she was hoping for!  I just love this image!


Children and Family Photographer, Santa Barbara CA

Every year I donate an outdoor family photo session to the Santa Barbara Montessori School for their annual fundraiser and auction.  Their event is always spectacular and I love to help out this amazing school in any way I can. This sweet family won my donation this year!  I could not have been more excited when these 3 adorable little girls showed up for their photo session.  They were so excited to put on their pink dresses and play with all the fun props I brought along.  We had an amazing afternoon together running through the grass and getting our feet wet in the tide.

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Summer Mini Sessions- Children & Family Photography, Santa Barbara CA

Here is another fun photo shoot from my Summer Mini Sessions in Santa Barbara!  This is the third time that I have had the pleasure of photographing this sweet family.  I love how each photo shoot has had it's own unique flare over the years.  So fun to look back and see how quickly these little ones have grown and changed... That always amazes me!  Thank you for the fun memories and I look forward to next year! XOXO

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Summer Mini Sessions- Outdoor Family Photographer, Santa Barbara CA

Some people are just born to be in front of the camera!  This adorable little girl was such a pleasure to photograph.  She was so easy to work with and a natural when it came to following direction.  Having photographed many professional models throughout my career as a photographer, I have to say this sweet little girl was as good as any pro!  I would not be surprised if in 15 years this face shows up on the cover of a magazine.  Thanks so much for the fun photo shoot!!  XOXO

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Summer Mini Sessions, Santa Barbara Outdoor Family Portraits

Such a pleasure to photograph this beautiful family once again for my Summer Mini Sessions in Santa Barbara, CA!  I always love seeing my clients year after year... I get to watch and document such a special time in their lives.  I can't believe it's been a whole year since I have seen this little guy... Where does the time go!  Having two small children myself, it seems like they will be in diapers forever and that they will always need you to watch, listen, and chase after them as they explore the world.  However, I have to remind myself that one day, not too long from now, they will become more independent and start to explore the world on their own.  We all must remember to cherish these moments now and live in the present.  Maybe the laundry is overflowing and the house looks less than perfect, but as my 4 year old would say "Who cares!"

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Little Miss Stella | Santa Barbara Children's Photography

One of my favorite things about being a children and family photographer is that I get to see many of these kids year after year.  I get to watch them grow and develop their funny little personalities... Such a joy!  They get to know me, and I, them.  I photographed this sweet girl a couple years back for their family Christmas photos.  Even though I have two kids of my own, I still am amazed at how quickly children grow and change!  Makes me want to go photograph my children this moment just to capture them as they are today.  How does time fly by so fast?

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