Look Who’s One! Children Lifestyle Photographer, Santa Barbara

It’s the first major milestone and such a fun time for mom, dad, grandparents and family. I love 1-year photo shoots for so many reasons - kids at this stage are bubbling with curiosity, usually happy and giggly, and their mostly toothless grins can melt even the most stoic heart.

This sweet girl was no exception. Although she was a little under the weather, you would have never known! She laughed, smiled, and crawled around this awesome vintage Ford truck that her Grandpa drove to the photo shoot. Between her sunny disposition, stunning blue eyes, and this amazing old truck we had the makings for a most amazing shoot!

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Sweet Little Surprise, Santa Barbara Newborn Photos

With 5 siblings awaiting his arrival, you can bet this little peanut was loved from the start. As with most of my newborn clients, I like to do newborn sessions at home so mama and babe are comfortable and relaxed. This family's house was just stunning and had the most beautiful natural light...I could not ask for more!

Mama had the most adorable nursery prepared which helped inspire so many of the photographs. The color palette was so subtle and gorgeous. Grey, white, cream, silver and highlights of gold made for some truly beautiful images that capture the purity of a newborn!

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I just adore this family (now 8 strong!) and had the best time documenting the arrival of this sweet little surprise.

Children's Photography, Santa Barbara CA

I just came across these adorable images I shot back in February during my Mini Session special!  How I overlooked not posting these images earlier, I am not sure... They are too cute!  This sweet little girl was just about to turn one year old and we captured these images just a week shy of her first birthday.  One year old babies are hands-down one of my favorite subjects to photograph... Their cute little rolls, big bright eyes, and chubby cheeks make it hard to put my camera down. 


Outdoor Children Photography, Santa Barbara CA

Talk about some cute kiddos!  How adorable are these faces!  I had the best time photographing this family over the holiday season at the Bacara Beach in Goleta, CA.  From October to December, I was booked solid with photo shoots, editing, retouching, print orders, and holiday cards that I am just now getting to posting some of my favorite shoots.  This was such a fun outdoor family shoot at the beach... These kiddos had a long car ride up to Santa Barbara for their photo shoot and they were more than excited to run around and explore the surrounding with me documenting.  It was a gorgeous winter day in Southern California!  Although we don't get snow or much weather in general here in SB, the air felt crisp and cool.  The warmth from the sun combine with cool air is all the weather I need!  Just perfect!
